For things to reveal themselves to us, we need to be ready to abandon our views about them.
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Welcome back! Delighted your here… Let’s take a breath and step right into Walkers unexpected gift offering Releasing the False Sole’ part two of our ‘walk along a master muse’…

Oh, and in case you missed part one here it is…

Great…. Are you ready?….. Here we go… Okay, let’s get started… take a good deep breath… exhale… another breath… allowing – opening yourself to soften, receive… breathing deeply… exhaling fully… Ahhhhh… so simple…

Sit back, sense beyond the words, let go of processing and release human distractions… nothing to do, no where to go, nothing to fix or figure out… relax, kick off your shoes, put your feet up and come, take a walk along a muse with Us and feel…. imagine…

False Sole Revealed…

A few blinks, days, years, expressions later I was standing with Walker as my horse pedicurist, Dick was trimming Walkers hooves. We were chatting about human life stuff until I heard him say, “Vicki you gotta see this, he’s shedding his false sole!

“A what?” I heard myself asking as Dick continued with the trimming and responding. I could hear his words though didn’t matter… I had no concept of what he was saying, no words stuck as I felt them fly by, partials in the wind. All I kept hearing were the words ‘False Soul’ drawing me in deeper.

I felt a memory an old file when beliefs were that women, men, animals and even the Earth didn’t have souls…

I became mesmerized with ‘False Soul’ as that’s how I heard it…  I continued watching Dick showing me Walkers false sole. And at the same timing I felt my soles calling to me. I could feel energies being pealed away from my soles at the same time Dick was pealing away Walkers false soles.…

I observed the first one being peeled away all one piece. A perfect casting of Walkers false sole, his inner hoof. It was at least 1/2 inch thick. I had no words as Dick held Walkers hoof up for me to see and continuing to explain… for me, didn’t matter… I was beneath and beyond the surface of it all…

I was aware of my minds many questions wanting to know as I shifted my perception into curiosity… What it would look like? Feel like once all pealed away…? Would it be squishy? Would there be healing time needed? Why didn’t the rest of my herd have this….?

Filled with curiosity, gently touching this fresh new sole within Walkers hoof while feeling into my own soles… a giggle emerged as it wasn’t squishy…

I felt/saw light radiating out of the bottoms of our new fresh feet/hooves… Remembering fully our experience of our Heart landscape being cultivated…

Softening, opening into the beauty wrapped within Walker as me, me as him, as everything… more lines of the separation game fell away. I sensed my consciousness expand within a fuller realization of all our experiences and expressions being divinely created, orchestrated into this now moment… by us… and many others in form and non form of us…

Dick continued trimming, it wasn’t just one hoof it was all four, and my two feet also. Observing each casting of the false sole being reveled and each coming off differently, in pieces, half at a time, and ripped away also. And then with all the false sole released cleanly and the castings lay resting on the hot sands of earth…

At some point I became aware that Dick was packing his tools. Grateful, I expressed my appreciation to Dick, waving, smiling, I watched him drive away…

False Soul Released…

Me being me, I could feel my curiosity bubbling, excited to gather up the casting of our false sole/soul. Treasures!

With Walker joining me, walking together, I sat on earth as Walker stood over me. Taking a few moments to breath and allowing the energies to gather…

Slipping into quiet stillness we entered nothingness, no thing, allowing, accepting, illuminating my unknown potentials to become known…

First a twinkle began to light up as I held, felt this treasure in my hand and feeling myself smiling, my heart rose into bursting out loud laughter… A thought flying through… A grand master friend who likes to lick things, and for a moment, wondering if she would like to lick this… in the next moment, I giggled as licking is not my style! Walker standing over me

Within our next breath the twinkle became a stream that flowed into a river from deep within the  casting resting in my hand…  

Sensing into the texture, color, shape, beyond what I was holding and looking at… All the while flowing my energies together with Walkers, our energies communicating… letting go, accepting, breathing life flow…  opening, allowing, knowing it all to comes to me…

I began to notice the many thin layers within the casting of this false sole/soul… Old ancient foundational layers of consciousness.

Another deep breath… breathing myself in, releasing myself… transcending thoughts, limitations… becoming the observer, another breath with a step back, observing myself, observing my Self…

Breathing deeply within full acceptance for myself, I let go and I dove threw the surface into the layers of this casting and discovered my old separation game foundation…

I felt the intensity and peaceful gentleness as my presence, my essence elevated and the layers of the old separation game foundation of hide and seek began to dissolve…

Until…. another breath, another moment, I felt a resistance…. a strange screaming inside…  another breath… Hearing Walkers breath move through my hair….   A sense of his breathing assisting me to take another breath…. His Beingness supporting, reminding this human facet to breath deeper … Let go… Never Alone…. Soften…. Trust…. Let flow….

A thousands breaths later… breathing myself in, releasing my self… shifting my perception… I felt a different softening taking place within me and Walker smiling… 

Within that moment I realized that I had alchemized the distorted emotions, the glue that held the old structures together when geometrics of our heart landscape shifted many times…. Thus allowing the structures to fall had released the false sole, the foundation, the casting I held in my hand….

Another breath into my energy flow…. Relaxing my body…. Walker and I breathing together as one…

Words flashed with nothing attached, nothing…. aware of observing the old 3d consciousness foundational layers that held up my identities, structures, beliefs, programs… etc… crumbling away…

I experienced beyond words a sense of myself beaming from within a seed I planted within myself, long, long ago… Aware of gratitude, appreciation – Compassion from my Soul for this human facet being the experience and expression….

Unearthing False Sole/Soul…

This experience did come to and through me. And now, rather than sharing all that I unearthed I’ll offer some of what I did discover and you may feel into for your own continuing circular, spiraling, experiences and expressions…

Releasing the False Sole/Soul, in essence simply represents old foundations, separation games that are attachments to power – control. Beliefs and identities held for 1000’s of lifetimes that energies or other things are outside of us and that we have to take it from somewhere else or protect what we already have. That is simply not true, unless of course, you want it to be.

This passage into releasing separation games through Releasing the false sole is one of many pathways… for me it was a progression of releasing What Was with the key being acceptance As Is within each moment…

It is not always pretty. Opening to the unveiling of what is Truly Naturally You from within an unnatural state. It can be messy, painful, ripping, confusing, overwhelming, seductive and at times… crazy feeling… or sense of shattering …

If you, dear fellow traveler, take a breath now, and notice what you notice inside of you… take many, many deep breaths, exhale releasing yourself, take your time, slow down… take a few more…..

Now soften, allow yourself to lift out of judgements, agendas, expectations and into accepting everything right now from within the compassion of your Soul with whatever stirs within you… Breath… Exhale… Relax, all is well…

Here’s a few words to begin or enhance your experience that came to me. Each was a profound invitation for compassion, letting go, expanding into peace and joy within each moment. I have no doubt you have come up with many and that you can also dissolve your old foundation without processing. Trust your own progression from this gift Walker and I offer. How will you know? Oh, you’ll know…

  • False Hierarchy’s
  • False Mind
  • False Darkness
  • False Fixing
  • False Suffering
  • False Guilt
  • False Death
  • False Redemption

You may be one who came to one of my classes titled ‘No More Battles’ and heard me speak of my grand mare, Peaches, who is also me sharing wisdom. If not, here is what was shared to curiously muse on or sense into… “With wars, no battle is ever won and no surrender ever takes place, there are never any winners, there are never any losers”Peaches

Now in this moment, realize there are no burning bushes, no bolts of lighting as you turn quietly into your Self…  Open facing your Self, sense embracing the Beauty of  You… no one left to blame… not even your self… take a breath…. take a step… let go of the sword… throw it away to the wind or the waters…  no more battles, no more wars for power and control game structures… Break the casting of the False Sole/Soul, allow it crumble and fall away…

Yes, you can choose now by where you place your consciousness and how you choose is up to you because it’s all you, your energies in service to you…  And you also have the knowing that there is nothing false about your Soul… False is only the lies, and to know your lies is to know your truth…. Take a breath…. Exhale… take a 1000 more…

Rebirth Creating Top Down…

Standing in my Point of Presence, and with a simple breath, choosing my Sovereign Clarity, aware that I am capable of choosing how my energies serve me…  living both – human and divine…

Walker and I standing together breathing as one I felt an intense and calm desert ocean breeze…  Peaches and Zonie, along with many more from within my Soul Collective arrive next to us…  Laughing, listening, singing, celebrating within a language without language…

Another calming breeze filling my heart, radiating out… sensing all as beauty…. my eyes leaking… hearing my herd and our WindHorse Heart Landscape reality breathing again… singing back to me… me becoming the song… knowing that now we create from top down…

Ocean in the sky with sea horse waitingLooking up at the big blue ocean in the sky, breathing my life flow, taking a step…  jumping onto my awaiting sea horse… riding out of and beyond the boxes of limitations…

Radiating my essence onto me first, my consciousness dancing with my energies … sensing Freedom… Freeing myself from myself… And in doing so the realization of Freeing my WindHorse Family Herd/Tribe that is also me…

And within that same moment also aware that I am here offering an apple to Walker….  our disguises of separation fallen away…  Sensing, breathing into the joy that is always within me just as much as Walker’s in joy eating the apple!

And for you dear reader take a moment, open into your senses, feel yourself breathe, flow into the Beauty of All that Is…  Acknowledge the awareness within the Beauty you see and feel it all around you; this is You…  Take a good deep breath into every part of you…. Exhale…. Another breath…

Trust your personal progression… Relax, open into remembering that It all works out and It’s already worked out…  remind your human facet that there is nothing to work at…

Thank you for being you, allowing yourself to join me/us on this “walk along a master muse” what a muse it’s been! And of course, if you choose to, always in joy to hear from you and your experience. And thank you also for sharing with others.

If you’re curious to play in a different kind of playground, sessions available – Experiences and expressions, embodiment of new relationships with consciousness dancing with energy as communication while nurturing Sustainable Joy. Mystical opportunities to remember your capabilities, tools and skills as you embody your Presence.

In person, by phone, and if you choose with Horse. Contact Here

In joy… smiling… rejoicing… in service… sitting on my sack of seeds!