“When all the false self-identifications are thrown away, what remains is all-embracing love.”
~Nisargadatta Maharaj
We are all transitioning each at different variables, each in our own unique way, unveiling what each of us truly naturally are…
So much has taken place for so many, as the re-set of consciousness continues, me included. As soon as I sit to write, pondering where to start, well, everything changes again…
This is a thread within an enriching spiraling tapestry, an ever expanding shifting culmination and continuum of many personal experiences within our Wind Horse Heart landscape.
This master muse was an unexpected gift, an experience that came from WindHorse Walker – ‘Releasing the False Sole.”
In reflection this experience with Walker took place a little after our landscape geometrics had come out grand shift and then into another… and another…
At the timing of this experience I felt the depths without fully knowing where it would take me. Only to be gentle with myself as I was still in a bit of shock from our other life flow shifts.
Words began to form and I began writing this muse without any plans or outcomes of when, or if I would share this. A letting go of all that was into allowing, accepting my human cadence and the rhythm of my Soul to guide.
I am sharing this master muse, an offering that assisted to release layers of my old 3d foundations that had held up identities, structures, systems, programs, etc., and perhaps you may glean a nugget or two for yourself…
It’s a simple experience with me and Walker that brought forth a sense of resolution, completion, motion…
I’d like to say I got it all at once, however, that’s rarely the truth, right? This is part one and part two will be sent in a few days as that is how I experienced it.
Okay, let’s get started… take a good deep breath… exhale… another breath… Sit back, let go of processing, nothing to do, no where to go, nothing to fix or figure out… relax, kick off your shoes and come, take a walk along a muse with Us and imagine…
Something in the Air…
One hot desert afternoon walking out to be with Walker I sensed a heaviness, thickness in the air. We both had been deeply effected as many layers within the geometrics of our Heart landscape creation had shifted…
Stopping, sticking my nose up, smelling into the weight… Within the next moment a smile emerged realizing one of our WindHorse k-9 member, Loki was next to me.
In a delightful surprise he also had his nose up sniffing the air too! He gave out a soft bark as I was sensing into the weight again… Yes, something was amiss…
I continued to walk, smiling within my heart, watching, realizing Loki was coming into his own as he took his observation place in the shade, a hole he had dug under a desert mesquite tree.
Shifting my attention, placing my awareness on Walker, observing he was walking strangely. He was sliding his hooves along and through the earths hot sandy desert crust. Tuning into my own feet, noticing the soles of my feet felt, well, clogged.
Intrigued, feeling into Walkers and my feet/hooves together… the heaviness I had sensed in the air appeared also to be a lingering within our hooves/feet… hummmmm…
I relaxed into my presence, feeling into my energies communicating, breathing my flow balancing me… I could feel the Earth essence drawing us into an experience…
Transcending Time/Space…
I openly dove into the experience, no agendas, no expectations, slipping into what appeared to be dark, unknown, unformed… nothingness… empty… no definitions, labels or questions required….
Instantly my innate knowingness prompted me… kicking off my flip flops, Walker and I began walking together. Each of us stepping into the lead without leading, together, blending, both as Sacred Human and Sacred Horse. His feet, my feet becoming one… sliding in unison through and within our hot crusty desert sands.
Another breath, another step… feet/hooves continuing to slide in harmony joining with Earth as one. Clarity began to lift the air, what felt amiss and appeared to have settled within layers of our hooves/feet also lingering in our Heart landscape….
Our breathing unified with our rhythmic sliding feet/hooves and began intensifying within the sympathy, my Soul song, Walkers Soul song melding together.
Another breath, all became still, quiet, aware with each breath building upon each breath. Flowing, unfolding beyond the surface, the veil of separation fell. Smiling, exploring deeper with full awareness that the soil within our Heart landscape was being cultivated.
With no thinking the gravity of man-made time/space slipped away, transcending, opening into timeless spaciousness, fully present here in physical and also within our many subtle multidimensional realms. We were moving as individuals and as one… synchronized, breathing flow and moving earth – effortlessly…
Perhaps hours, years, minutes or days went by, didn’t matter as we traveled through other realities, realms filled with motion without movement… Moments filled with a sense of passing though old timelines, and even bumping into ourselves along the way…
With Walkers gentle breathing I heard myself singing … sounds, vibrations, colors, frequencies… An invitation from deep within our Heart, an offering to all of our lifetimes, together and apart, in form and non form; aspects of Soul creations, experiences and expressions, to come up…
Delicious Drunkenness Joy…
Continuing with many deep full body conscious breaths I began sensing our energies of this experience and expression dispersing. Another step… another breath, a sense of fulfillment within the joy, a freeing from within myself…
Simultaneously becoming aware of Loki barking, drawing us back, he was bouncing and jumping around chasing a wind spirit. Our Wind Elemental had arrived, assisting, clearing, opening, spinning across our freshly tilled heart landscape.
And at the same timing aware of my human facet distracting, ‘trying’ to chime in with – “Stop, it’s 99 degrees out here, the sand is 200 degrees!” Followed by, “Feet are raw, the sand is 60 grade sandpaper!” And then, in a last ditch effort… “It’s molten lava, feet on fire!”
Didn’t matter… Our elated joy echoed across and with our land, drowning the outcries from my human distractions. After all, Walker and I had created and walked through many fires.
Another breath, another step, sensing again into Loki’s energies unveiling a memory filled with tasty sweet flowers of delight within his shared delicious drunkenness joy garden of life!
A concert of our laughter merging, Loki’s, Walkers, mine and our land, a rejoicing beyond words that rang out and throughout our freshly cultivated Heart landscape reality creations.
Breathing myself in… releasing myself… Walker standing at water trough as I sat on the edge soaking my feet. His slurping drinking sounds ticked soothing my feet through the water…
I let the experience go, holding nothing… There was no need to figure it out or try and understand through mind processing.
I know it all comes to me, I’m certain of that… Sometimes I get it before, or it may come in a moment later, or 5 days, ten years or another life experience… doesn’t matter… It’s all my energy and I trust my Soul where all my energies spring from…
Take a breath… release yourself… slow down… feel into yourself… this is the end of Part One – Our Gift Offering – Releasing the False Sole… Part Two coming in a few days as that is how it came to me…
In joy… smiling… rejoicing… in service… sitting on my sack of seeds!
If you’re curious, I offer sessions guiding, teaching, illuminating potentials you may have never known you had. Opportunities to remember your capabilities and embody your Presence as you experience new relationships with your consciousness and energy as communication while cultivating Sustainable Joy.
In person, by phone, and if you choose with Horse, Contact Here
Thank you for being you, the All of you, and thank you for sharing.
In joy… smiling… rejoicing… in service… sitting on my sack of seeds!