Into the Mystic Mentoring
Blazing a path into Self-realization and to embodied consciousness hasn’t been an easy journey for many of us. It can be challenging as the body goes into crisis, the mind goes crazy and all the while our Spirit is whispering Freedom. Freedom to know Itself. Freedom to go beyond this limited reality. Freedom is here, there is More… So much more…
It is often the recognition that you’ve had ‘Enough’ and what use to work, no longer does, thus awakening an unexplainable willingness, a deep knowingness or desire to expand awareness or consciousness, to go beyond and flourish.
Into the Mystic are adventures that assists you to navigate your own energies. Healing, Teaching, Guidance with the New Technologies of the Heart. New Pathways of Communication open via Human brain and energy fields as you live Full Spectrum with in the spacious expanding of Applied Consciousness Entrainment:
- To live and create within lighter dimensions of experience as a Creative Sensual Being
- To open New Pathways thru Sensing into energies as communication
- To remember, knowing that you’re connected to everything
- To understand, experiencing it’s all your energies serving you and you choose
- To Trust your Self, accepting, allowing that it all comes to you
They are ongoing mentoring intensive experiences, delightful organic journeys, sacred adventures into your Joy of Self Discovery, and are offered to you in two different styles:
- Partnering with WindHorse Family in person
- Partnering without WindHorse Family by phone
The conscious intent, if you choose this endeavor is not to live in a state of “all is wonderful” one hundred percent of the time. There will, for most of us, be times when we are rattled by dense vibrational energies such as sadness, frustration, jealousy, fear, anger etc. Importantly, it’s not about fixing or working at it to make the human perfect. Rather it provides the conscious choice to recognize that when you stumble you carry the wisdom of knowingness how to free yourself without loosing yourSelf.
All experiences are supportive, filled with personalized healing teachings, Initiations and Practices as the Soul will always pull it’s human aspect into a deeper blending within Its Self.
Into the Mystic is designed for your unique specific personal path and opens the Gateways to indescribable transformation:
- Opening your heart into Living from your infinite creation potentials, rather than from the history of your past creations.
- A gathering, integration, a reunification, melding with Soul while being human, Evolving into a new state of Being, Living, Walking in your own Beauty – experiencing a New Wonder Filled Life.
- Celebrating the enrichment that comes from moving beyond where the ego lies and dissolving the shadows in order to bathe in and embody the lightness of your personal Conscious Choice Creation.
- A continuum that provides you with a safe place to ‘Be’ in experience and experience, step by step techniques, tools and guidance into realizing yourSelf – Conscious Embodiment.
- Experiencing a different kind of strength; intimately knowing yourself, enabling your Truer Identity, your own Natural Essence to be fully accepted, activated and expressed knowing that you are the pinnacle in this lifetime for all your Soul expressions.
Give and have for yourSelf first – relax and honor your creative transformational journey, put your oxygen mask on first, step out of the old game of seeking outside of yourself while allowing the fears, worries and doubt wash away. Consciously choose, knowing how you can create a new playground, a new earth and live life from your Point of Presence. It’s truly all about you and your ability to choose, then simply receive the Wisdom with a sense of Freedom beyond this limited reality.
- Allowing and Accepting yourself to be You, wrapped within the Joy of Self-discovery.
- Consciously experience vibrational awarenesses, energy as communication emerging as passion through expressions.
- Recognition and remembrance that it is all within you and comes to you. That it is you who sets your boundaries within yourself and you can release the limitations that separate you from Soul.
- Living your chosen reality at a whole new level as a sovereign being; celebrating I Exist, I Am Here, Walking within your own Beauty of Spirit as a mystical sensual, sentient being.
Into the Mystic Mentoring Progressions are intensive Immersions into Emergence and offered in two styles.
Each style is:
5 month intervals
10 sessions
2 sessions per month
~ Into the Mystic Mentoring ~
Partnering with WindHorse Family
Overview as an example for Partnering with WindHorse Family:
1st session
2 & 1/2 Hour Experience: with WindHorse Family followed by Sol Star Touch, Bridging your Soul with your Cells, a hands on healing that assist your cellular clearing house. This offers deeper clearing for restoration and integration within your energy field for lighter connections and nurturance; opening pathways for Sustainable Joy.
2nd session up to Two weeks after 1st session:
1 Hour Phone Experience: Follow up that is supportive and supports your New Pathways of expansion, evolution and integration.
Total – 10 sessions, 2 per month for 5 months
Also included unlimited emails.
Payment options available
~ Into the Mystic Mentoring by Phone~
Experiences are provided by phone and the work we’ll do together is at a deep level of consciousness that clears away restrictions of the old ways. Separation by physical distance is not a constraint. In connection with my WindHorse Family Collective Consciousness, we are fully open, tuned into you, along with your personal guides that watch over, adore and care for you.
10 One hour Experiences by phone
5 month intervals – 2 sessions per month
Also included unlimited emails.
Payment options available.