Hands on Cellular Clearing Experience

With all sessions, we start with where you are. We’ll have a brief flowing conversation that brings clarity to what is out of harmony; the resistance, bringing it up into your consciousness which allows you the choice to keep it or release it.

With the mental and physical in a more relaxed state of being we move to hands on healing, assisting the cellular clearing house. A felt sense of spaciousness is experienced as you’re guided into a ‘floating calmness’ within the first few minutes. No work. No effort.

I intuitively place my hands on your body, listening to the story being expressed; unwinding, restructuring and releasing the congested energies.

This style, Hands on Cellular Clearing Experience offers hands on accumulative healing teaching and transcending experiences that Bridges your Soul with your Cells and accentuates:

  • Opening New Pathways of Communication via human brain and energy fields.
  • Connection and nurturance throughout all levels; dissolving pains and discord.
  • Assists with alignments, integration and organizing new energies.
  • Cellular restoration; the freeing up of a lot of life force that has been blocked in your bodies.

90 Minutes In Person

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Other Partnering without Horse Sessions:

Phone Experience